maybe_javen: exploring music is something i have to push myself to do as a habitual listener.

maybe_javen: but it's definitely worth it.


(table of contents)

> 02.2024
> 01.2024
> 12.2023
> 11.2023
> all-time favorites



(Feb 2024)

✧ Flowering (달의하루)

Electric in this is bomb. Also the piano parts hit.

✧ The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy (Tom Cardy)

I memorized a lot of songs from this comedy musician. You can't help it when you hear him. This one was especially a hard bop.


(Jan 2024)

✧ TOMBI (Kvi Baba)

Pure serotonin when I hear this everytime an episode of Trigun Stampede starts up. So naturally, it made it to my monthly listens.

✧ Touch (The Vanished People)

This band is amazing! They kind of sound like a mixture of japanese rock and other(?) influences, but it's so uplifting. Their EP "SCHOOL TRIP" is so good.


(Dec 2023)

✧ webcore! (Kwite)

One of my favorite youtubers releases music, and this one got my attention because of the rap and visual aesthetic. Should I memorize it?

✧ Sanctuary (Joji)

I just got new headphones, and I've been in absolute bliss listening to Joji's songs through them. This song just sounds so heavenly, especially with Joji's vocals.

✧ Otherside (Red Hot Chilli Peppers)

This was a song I listened to when I first started playing drums, and it's still a banger. I sing this all the time at home.


(Nov 2023)

✧ want me back (Cody Fry, Cory Wong, Dynamo)

I would recommend the other song in the same album, "Better", but this music video was more fun to watch. They're all having fun, I love it!
Listening to this almost made me want to buy an electric guitar. Almost.

✧ loving you (YUKIKA)

The bass in the song is MMMMMMMMM.
I found this from a rhythm game called D4DJ of all places. It's so nice to listen to it when the sun's out.

✧ love me harder (WOODZ)

조승연 is a really talented artist, and this is one of my favorites from him. Good beat, melody, and his voice is so fucking nice to hear.


(all-time favorite music)

✧ blizzard (Daichi Miura)

This is the song I have listened to the most in my entire life. I know this because I have listened to it every single day in high school.
Dragonball used to be my favorite thing ever, so when they revealed this to be the title song for a movie that was coming out, I was hyped. I turned this shit up to 100% and screamed the lyrics at home. Don't remember the lyrics anymore, but I still sing the good vocal bits when I listen to it.

✧ danny don't you know (Ninja Sex Party)

This song is from a comedy band that I listened to religiously in college, so the lyrics and visuals are not super serious or aesthetic. But it made me feel confident in times when my self-esteem was at its all-time low, so it holds a special place in my life. Rock on, NSP.
Always have to scream this certain part out when I listen to it. ♪ Now it's time to rock the show. Come on, you are a star tonight ♪

✧ love letter (Anthony Lazaro & Sarah Kang)

If I ever fall in love one day, this song embodies what I wish that love felt like.
Lazaro's gentle voice and Kang's beautiful harmony work so well together (I love all their songs together). I sing this in the shower a lot.
