
yesterday, i stumbled across a video of me during my first panic attack in the apartment. man, so much has changed since then.

my health is better, and i learned the proper ways to take care of myself mentally. I'm super comfortable being by myself now, to the point where i prefer spending time alone. and i'm happy with how i look, with my new tattoos, piercings, and hairstyle. also, being out of an unhealthy relationship really helped.

obviously, things aren't perfect. I'm still struggling with consistency with health habits, but I'm doing better, which is what's important.

Anyways, not much really happened since the last entry. I've been adopted by a couple in my workplace as their kid, and i'm excited to go to their engagement party in another state. I went out to drink with another coworker and learned a lot about her and her family. And I helped my friend with google maps while he was driving in a different state. fun stuff!

oh i almost forgot! i received a confession by a pretty girl while we were hanging out eating pizza. It was completely unexpected, but apparently, she's had a crush on me for some time (is it immature to use the word 'crush'?). unfortunately i had to decline, because i knew i wasn't planning on living here soon and i didn't want to hurt her feelings. but I admired her courage to ask me out. I don't have a crush right now, but I wish I had that same courage if I did have one.

i wonder how my love life will evolve once I move back home.