
recently got sick, but thankfully it's nothing too serious. serves me right for doing too many night shifts.

i've been having trouble sleeping during the night because my sleep cycle is flipped, so I stay up late with a fever. during one of those nights, I remember being soft-of scared because this was the first time I had a fever while living alone. but now that I think of it, it's just chicken noodle soup and tylenol repeatedly, so I'll be fine.

been stuck in the house lately for most of my PTO, so not much development. i bought an MP3 player purely out of want, and enjoy the clicky buttons and pixel cover art. went to an engagement party (before I was sick) for the first time, and felt socially awkward for basically most of it (learned how to play poker with the boys though). i got a Masquerade shirt, which adds to me enjoying the interests I had when I was a kid. i also planned a whole PC build that I'm planning on making back at NY? never thought I'd do that, so that's cool.

mainly, I've been enjoying my own company to the point where I'm wondering if it's too much. romance? not interested. but friendship-wise, I miss all my friends back in ny. i'm excited to go back to continue exploring around the city and divulge into my own interests.