
the days have been warmer. and i feel like my mindset's been better too. as cringe as it sounds, everything feels like an opportunity instead of an obligation again.

one thing that's made me feel better: i decorated my 3ds with new stickers! been playing a lot of pokemon black (love my serperior). want to get a little charm on it, but i'm not sure what kind yet. i'll figure it out.

had a recent thought that made me feel better too. when i was a kid, i was determined to 'glo-up' to the point of being obsessed and never being happy with myself. now, i'm chill with what kind of person i am, and how i look. it feels nice to get that weighted expectation off my chest, you know? i got a clear goal to help people i care about, and have interests i can pursue now.

as good as i've been feeling lately, i do miss my home back in ny. living in my own apartment was rewarding in terms of learning how to take care of myself and having personal space, but i miss my family and friends back home. i'm already looking forward to how to style my room there, and where to go for fun with friends.