Dragon Ball

A whopping total of 153 episodes. And my god, I finished it.

Not the longest series in the franchise, but it's a long one for me. I only watched extensive periods of anime when I was back in my teens (e.g. fairy tail, naruto). I enjoyed treating it like a Saturday morning cartoon.

And what a solid watch this was. Unlike the recent Dragon Ball content, the franchise's first anime is packed with comedy. I didn't like the anime when I first started long time ago, but when I tried again, I fell in love with it. The wacky plot twists, character comedy, and just having Goku soar through the DB world and being the world's strongest adolescent is FUN! Why do people skip this series?!

You can actually see Goku growing up as you progress, and it's satisfying! By the end, around the 23rd tenkaichi budokai, he's almost a fully grown man and viewers feel compelled to root for him against the final villian. The development is so impressive, in fact, that the Goku at the end of this series seems like such a more mature version than how he's like in Super. I LOVE THIS SHOW.

I'm tempted to like this more than Z, but I'll see when I finish that show too.