Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might
Turles is such an interesting character concept: what if Goku didn't hit his head, and stayed violent because of his Saiyan origins? That's what Turles served as a character, as a what-if. He's also smart, and has a side to him that's prideful of his Saiyan race. I found it fun when he was open to have Gohan as an ally. If they took the time to develop him more as a character (like contributing him to the main lore in the show), that would have been interesting! I think I would enjoy him as a canon character more than Goku Black in Super, who's an evil Goku because an evil deity took over Goku's body.
Anyways, so many good moments in this movie. The action scenes are well-animated (especially the Goku fight with all of Turles' henchmen), Gohan's friendship with the Haiya dragon is so cute, and the chill moments of the characters camping and living life.
The pacing is off though. There's certain times where the action is cut severely by random quiet moments that break the flow. The quiet moments are to showcase the dire situation of the planet falling apart, but I think it could have been timed better in the movie. Seemed like they were trying to drag out the run time for the film because of it.
But overall, worth the watch. I enjoyed it.