Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest

Another solid watch! I'm so glad DBZ movies don't do retellings like the original DB movies.

We get no hesitation on the action. We get a triple Kamehameha with the Turtle School (Goku, Krillin, Roshi). We get another good fight scene with Piccolo and Goku, which I really missed because the show doesn't have Piccolo as an antagonist anymore.

We almost got Gohan using the power pole, but it didn't happen. I was disappointed in that.

The admiration that Gohan has for Piccolo as a mentor figure is the main focus in this movie, and I love it. He sings a song about it in a dream (which was enjoyable in the dead zone movie so no complaints from me). Piccolo has his own proud moments about Gohan. I was just watching with a smile on my face the whole time.