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Grave Peril (Jim Butcher)


Harry Dresden is slowly becoming my favorite protagonist in any book ever. He's so tired of magic shit in this one, so his sarcasm gets twice as worse and I love it. I do find myself not as interested in the story as I was in the previous book, just because werewolves aren't a particular interest of mine (except in The Wolf Among Us, but that's different).
But the story is still enjoyable! They explore Harry's relationships with more characters, and I love when he genuinely gets concerned for Detective Murphy. They deserve happiness, and this universe doesn't give them any.


"Your face looks like a sack of potatoes," Susan said, her dark eyes studying me, the lines in her face deepening.
"You say the sweetest things," I mumbled.

First things first, then. Find out where I was, devise a plan, and get my skinny wizard ass out of there.